Hello and welcome to DallasMarketingRockstar.com!
My name is Teevee (really).
I am a father(of two), blogger, artist, and all around decent guy.
And I am also local online marketing consultant specializing on helping small business become local celebrities by increasing their presence online.
How specifically? Glad you asked.
It really all depends on your companies goals and budget.
Typical right?
The truth is not all services fit everyone. For example, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) works. But if is not service I can recommend to everyone because it can get expensive even though it can be quite profitable once our goals are accomplished.
It’s a time-consuming method that is proven to bring results, but unfortunately, those results can take months and a big investment.
And there are those instances when a consultation is all you need. You just need someone to come in and give you some direction and advice.
I have been this for over 6 years and made all the mistakes you can imagine in my first online business venture.
What set me apart from my competition?
Well besides my smile and rockstar status… I CARE! I truly do. Most of my clients go on to become good friends.
I have turned down opportunities to make money because I knew I couldn’t deliver the results that my client was needing quick enough.
My background comes from the grocery management. I spent almost 18 years in the grocery business and 14 of those in management where customer service is became a part of my DNA.